About The Founder

Curtis White – Founder / Author

Who am I

I’ve been addicted to the outdoor and general adventuring my whole life. I spend most of my free time in the mountain and forest of the Cascades in Washington State. I started out skiing, snowboarding, skating, and hiking when I was in grade school and haven’t slowed down now that I am in my 40’s.

My hobbies are in the following order of time spent doing them:

  1. Hiking
  2. Snowboarding
  3. Skateboarding
  4. Skiing
  5. Tennis
  6. Wake boarding
  7. Jogging
  8. Basketball

Now a days I am a full time IT Specialist and part time blogger. My second great addiction is the internet. I am so happy to be living in the information age and I have been an internet junkie since I got my first computer in the year 2000. I believe most everything I have and know is thanks to the people who were here before me. As humans, we have the great fortune of having access to centuries of collect knowledge and the internet has put that into high gear.

It’s my love for the internet that is why I work in IT and my newest addiction is learning to code. It comes in handy at work but more than that, it is really interesting. With code I am able to create knowledge, in the form of silicon. All be it simple, if you compound enough simple logic, you get something quite profound. Coding, the internet, and the great outdoors may sound eclectic, but I think it makes me well rounded.

Why Compunct.com

I’ve dabbled building websites in the past and love that I am able to contribute to the collective knowledge of humanity. I have so mush experience with sport, outdoorsmanship, and adventure, I decided to add my voice to the conversation.

I started Compunct.com as a resource for those starting their own adventures. When I was first starting out the internet was pretty thin (and slow). Hopefully I can be a quick and factual resource to get people started in the right direction, right away. There is also a community aspect to the website. Comments are always welcome and often become a conversation, not just a comment. There is little to no censorship here, and everyone is welcome.

Today Compunct.com is a thriving community of outdoor lovers. We are still a new site but we are growing quickly.

Here at Compunct.com we are all about collaboration and connecting with our users. Feel free to reach out to use if you have ideas about the site, or want to work with us on a project. We are always glad to hear from you. Visit our Contact Page of email us directly at Info@Compunct.com.

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